truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The latest in our world

Breastfeeding: Survived a clogged duct last week. Over a couple of days I noticed that an area on one of my breasts became kind of hard and extremely tender. Fun. Fortunately, after some warm showers, hot compresses, and massaging it till it was raw, it finally un-clogged. Or is it de-clogged? Whichever, all that matters is that it's gone now!

Chatter box: Mr. P is cooing more than ever and it's the cutest thing I've ever heard! He's gotten really good at making the sound, "ooooh." I understand if this seems underwhelming, but to us it means he must be the smartest baby ever!

Job: My maternity leave is technically up at the end of next week. Yes, that means less than two weeks left. And do I know what's happening with my work situation? No, of course not. And yes, I am completely stressed out about it. Fortunately, it looks like things are moving ahead. As of today, I have two job offers (did I say I'll be going back part-time?). It's complicated and way too much to get into, but my decision depends upon whether someone else will accept a position or not... like I said, too much to get into here, but just trust me that it's convoluted and making things much more stressful. Argh. I just want it all sorted out as soon as possible. The clock is ticking.

Daycare: Mr. P met his daycare lady today. It really hit me that in less than two weeks we'll be handing him over for 10 hours at a time to a woman we hardly know. WHAT? When I think of it like that, I think we must be crazy. So I try to remind myself that she's a professional, has over 20 years of experience, the socialization will be good for him, she'll love him dearly, etc etc etc. Then I go into a corner and cry.

Yoga: It's going well. Mr. P has stayed awake for the last couple of classes and we've had lots of fun. I'm hoping that one of my days off of work will be the same as the class so we can continue taking it. It'd be fun to continue with it has he grows and is able to do more stuff.

SYTYCD: Anyone else watching? I LOVE it! My current fave is Sabra. Girl can DANCE! Man do I miss taking classes. I keep meaning to check out a new studio that I noticed in my area... it's always so hard to find a place with good adult classes. But I try to stay optimistic. We'll see.


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