truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Where's the maple syrup?

I haven't really had the stereotypical pregnant-cravings you hear about. No pickles and ice cream or anything crazy like that. But it seems like at certain times, particular likes or dislikes have become intensified.

For a while in the beginning I was on a total Thai food kick. I've always liked Thai food, but for whatever reason (read: hormones) I couldn't get enough. I wanted Thai food every chance I could get it. But that started to fizzle out... don't get me wrong, I still love me some Thai food, but I'm not as completely obsessed anymore.

Then there's the gum thing. I've ALWAYS been a gum chewer. But suddenly, one time I started chewing a piece and had to spit it out not 10 seconds later. And it stayed like that for a couple of months. I don't know where that aversion came from (hello, hormones?) but it's been really weird! I'm not as bad about it now, but I definitely don't have the same love for gum as I used to.

The most recent event revolved around pancakes. For a week all I could think about were pancakes. I was obsessed. All I wanted was pancakes, pancakes, PANCAKES. I talked to HH about going out for breakfast on Sunday morning. But after thinking it through, I agreed even pancakes weren't worth the 5 hour wait at Bob Evans on a Sunday morning. So we planned to make them at home instead. The unfortunate thing is that we had plans in the early afternoon, we slept in late and completely ran out of time to make those delicious pancakes I had been craving all week. Here's where 'the crazy' comes in. You have no idea how upset I was that I didn't get my pancakes. Seriously, the world had betrayed me and I had been left to die without pancakes. The good news is that I eventually got over it and was able to have a semi-normal day. The better news is that we went to Bob Evans for dinner the next night and I finally got my pancakes. Plus, HH picked up some frozen pancakes to satisfy my craziness, should it strike again. What a smartie!


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