truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Dinner Party

Last weekend HH and I hosted a dinner party. I guess we figure now's the time to have people over since we're sure that'll change after May. We had 3 couples over (friend's from HH's college days and their wives/girlfriends) so it was a packed table. But fortunately, everything turned out really well and I think everyone had a good time.

HH (as usual) did 99% of the cooking, and I did the 'other' stuff. What I like to call, the ambiance prep. I lit the candles around the house, set the table, tried to pick up the random clutter, that sort of thing.

We began with seafood appetizers, including coconut shrimp, mini crab cakes, and fresh crab dip with toasted french bread slices. Dinner was roasted pork tenderloin, rosemary red-skin mashed potatoes, salad, and lemon pepper broccoli. Oh, and cheese bread, which unfortunately we totally forgot about in the oven. Oops! But surprisingly enough, it was quite edible and everyone seemed to munch on that too (I think because the bread was so thick, it stayed nice and soft on the inside). I wasn't surprised, but definitely impressed at HH's ability to make such a wonderful dinner for eight in just over an hour. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, and I know I did!

I made dessert (can you believe it?). We had individual chocolate lava cakes with a homemade raspberry sauce, served with a small scoop of vanilla bean ice cream and a little whipped cream on the side too. YUM!

The drinks flowed all night and everyone seemed to have a good time. We even played a few rounds of Catch Phrase which ended up turning quite competitive, but overall added to the fun. That was definitely an experience though... trying to play Catch Phrase with a room full of tipsy (or way beyond tipsy) friends while you're the only completely sober one. Good times!

Seriously though, it was a great night. Thinking about it now, it is a little bitter sweet because I know our lives are going to change so much once our little-one comes. I doubt we'll be able to host a night like that again for some time, so I'm happy it worked out that we could last weekend.

(By the way, happy 100th post to me!)


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