truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Friday, March 16, 2007

In school again...

Ok, well, not really in school, but I am taking classes. Not your typical scholastic classes... yoga and birthing classes. No, not a 'yoga and birthing class,' but yoga classes and birthing classes... separately (although now I'm kind of intrigued about what a yoga-birthing class would be like...).

HH and I started taking a Bradley Method class. Don't get me wrong... I was never one to proclaim that it's 'all natural' or nothing at all. But, the more I read and research for myself, the more I'm learning about the advantages of natural childbirth. HH and I are both taking the approach that we want to educate ourselves about ALL options and possibilities so that we can then make an educated decision about what we think is best for us (which is pretty much how we tackle all things in our lives... exhausting, yes, but that's how we roll). The class we're taking is nice because it's small (only two other couples) and it's condensed with only 4 classes (which fits our schedule much easier than the usual 12). The instructor is great too because she's not die-hard. She understands that there isn't necessarily a one-size-fits-all approach to childbirth and is a little more flexible or middle-of-the-road than other instructors. So, we'll see...

The yoga class is just once a week, and so far it's been great. I've been having some lower back pain and my midwife suggested I go to a class instead of just using a DVD at home, as I had been. (Have I mentioned I'm seeing a midwife instead of a typical OB? Don't freak, we're still delivering in a hospital, I'm just much more comfortable with the 'central ethos' of midwives as opposed to a more traditional OB). The yoga class not only forces me to make time to exercise, but it's really helped with the back pain, stretching, practicing breathing techniques, developing my sense of focus, and all that good stuff! I'm just sorry I didn't start it sooner.

Besides that, the clock keeps ticking... only 9 weeks to go...


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