truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Mr. Peanut

According to our latest ultrasound (Dec 21) it's Mr. Peanut, not Miss. Peanut. I have to admit that it has taken me a bit to get used to the idea of having a little boy. It's probably not uncommon, but I was (and still am a bit) nervous about having a boy... wondering if I'll be able to relate to a boy, and really be able to understand what he's going through. But the more time that goes by (and the more reassurance I get from friends), the more comfortable I become. Yes, there are differences between boys and girls, and I'm sure there will be things that I can't relate to, but 1. that's why he has a dad! and 2. the important things, the important lessons in life, are gender neutral. Plus, little boy clothes are so darn cute! Hee hee. :)

Several people have told me that boys are tougher to raise in the beginning, but are easier than girls later on (in the teenage years). If he's anything like one of my male cousins though, I better get comfortable with the local E.R. now! I guess time will tell...


At January 16, 2007 5:18 PM, Blogger Rock Star Mama said...

Touche, touche. :-p


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