truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

4 months or Tough Couple of Days

Mr. P had his 4 month check-up on Monday. The check-up went great, he's growing well and on target for development. He's in the 90th %tile for length and 70th %tile for weight, which basically means he's a long string bean! Unfortunately for him though, the visit also meant another round of vaccination shots. Last time (at 2 months) he was fussy for a couple of days afterward, and it looks like this time is no different. Plus, we also discovered he had a slight adhesion (from the circumcision) which meant we had to gently(?) separate it. POOR KID!!!

To make matters worse, on Tuesday he had major problems taking his morning bottle at daycare. We got a call from Miss W (our daycare provider) telling us that Mr. P only drank a little and then vomited everywhere. Turns out the bottle smelled like soap so apparently it didn't get rinsed enough when we washed it (how guilty do I feel?). Thankfully this is exactly why we always give her one extra bottle.

And it doesn't stop there... he didn't sleep very well last night at all. Yesterday he didn't poop all day. So I think he might have had some gas issues again last night. It's hard to know though because he could still be fussy from the shots, or I noticed this morning that he's a bit congested so maybe he's fighting a cold? Or maybe a combo of things? Who knows. What I do know is that this week has been tough. Poor lil' guy.


At October 05, 2007 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'not knowing' is one of the hardest things. no matter how many books/websites you read or who you listen to, it could be one of a zillion things bothering your baby. or a combo. hope you have a good weekend.


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