truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Friday, December 15, 2006

Crossed over... the other side. Today is the first day I'm wearing a full-on maternity outfit. Maternity shirt and maternity pants. Crazy. I've been in this awkward phase of getting this 'bump' but not actually looking pregnant to the average joe. Mostly I've been looking like I've just been drinking too much beer.

So in a dressing-meltdown this morning (me hormonal? nah) I decided to go for it. Well, not so much decided but more like I couldn't find any pants that fit except for the maternity ones. So I'm rockin a maternity outfit given to me by my mom-in-law. At least they're super cute, and I'm determined to keep wearing my 3" heels. That is, until my back goes out so bad that I'm forced to wear the aerosoles.



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