truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Friday, January 27, 2006

Moment of Clarity

I was just emailing with someone I love very much. Recently she did something that spoke a lot about her great character. Without thinking about it, I sent her a quick email stating as much. By her email back to me, she was obviously very touched by it. Then I started thinking... (here come the rambles)... and here's my email back to her:

"I'm just trying to be better about communicating the truth. We only get one shot on this ferris wheel of life (or only one as far as I know!), and it would be a shame to think thoughts like that, but never communicate them. That's really cheating the other person!! And not just general good will, but real, concrete examples of what makes someone special. No, more than that, an upstanding person who is honestly a great role model. It's too easy to forget why we are good people, and the aspects of who we are that are GREAT. Isn't it up to those who love us to remind us of those things sometimes?

Of course it would be ideal if we could always keep those thoughts idle in our own minds, but we're human and changing that inner dialogue can be so hard (I know, I'm trying!). Sometimes I hear you get down on yourself. And I know it hurts me to hear you talk like that, because I know how much it's hurting YOU. And I KNOW that for every one time I hear you actually say it out loud, you say similar things 100 times or more to yourself. So, if being honest and taking 1 minute to write a quick email to tell you the TRUTH and remind you of what a spectacular person you are, and not just in general vague terms, but in hard concrete evidence that *you* provide all by yourself, how can I NOT? I think that's going to be my New Year's resolution... to be more honest about the GREAT things people do. It's easy. They provide the greatness, I just have to point it out.

Ok, I know you weren't expecting all that, but there you go... :-p"

Cheesy? Yes, absolutely.
But, true? Well... *I* think so.


At January 27, 2006 9:42 PM, Blogger Tim McGee said...

Thanks Rambler,
Wearing your heart on your sleeve (website) can be a tough thing to do - very brave of you to share such cheesy thoughts. I love it, and you made me feel better tonight after a long week.

At February 14, 2006 5:06 PM, Blogger Rock Star Mama said...

I just realized I never replied... thanks for your comment, Tim. Makes me feel better about 'broadcasting' my cheesy-ness!


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