truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Aren't I such a slacker! I'm sorry for abandoning you for a couple of weeks, but I'm here to explain... the last couple of weeks have just been pretty crazy for me.

Along with the change of weather, it looks like some changes are in store for me too. For the last few months I've been keeping my eyes and ears open for a new job. It's insane how tight the job market is here. After applying and interviewing for several positions that didn't work out, it was getting pretty hard to not get discouraged. Well, let's face it, I was feeling *very* discouraged. But then there was hope...

A couple of weeks ago, I went on two interviews (for two different jobs) on the same day. Yes, that was exhausting, but well worth it for logistical reasons. In any case, I actually did receive an offer... two as a matter of fact!! A very, VERY stressful week ensued because of course I didn't hear back from both at the same time, so a bit of finagling had to be done. And then there's the whole negotiation process. I lost so much sleep over it all, and probably developed an ulcer too. But finally... I decided to ACCEPT one of the offers! Wahoo! I'm totally excited and completely anxious about it!

But of course... once that decision was made, I had to break the news to my current boss and co-workers. I've never been in the position of looking for a job while currently in one. They say it's the best time to look... but I'd argue that it's probably the most stressful too. A couple more sleepless nights ensued, but I managed to get through it all pretty much unscathed. My first day is Monday!

In any case, I'd say that for me, this whole experience has put a new spin on the term "spring cleaning".


At April 08, 2005 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm sure you'll wow them!


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