truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Friday, March 11, 2005


Your head is pounding. The pain between your temples can only be described as a never-ending vice squeezing in on your brain... and there's no relief in site. But wait! You remember that you've got some migraine medicine in your vanity upstairs. Ahhh.... the anticipation of swallowing those two little white pills that will make the pain dissolve... But first you've got to make it up the stairs. Every step is like a trigger that makes the vice tighten more and more. And of course, making your way to the bathroom tiptoeing all the while in the dark because the slightest bit of light or sound will send your head spinning. And finally... you make it to that vanity!

You grab the bottle of little "magic" pills, but AHHH! It's a trick!!! 40 hard pills are pinging around within the hard plastic bottle and your head is sent spinning. It's like the maraca from hell! The sound sends you to the floor, struggling to rip the top of the bottle off. You battle with the childproof lid and finally pry it off as those magic little pills go flying across your bathroom. Hasn't someone realized by now that's a SERIOUS design flaw?? Despite the childproof lid, who packages a headache medicine in a container that just adds to the agony? Heeello??? Is no one thinking of the suffering-target-consumer here?

On your hands and knees in the dark, you finally find two pills to choke down as you make your way to the bed. You crawl in and pray that you'll just pass-out and wake up 10 hours from now to look back on all of this as just a bad dream.


At March 11, 2005 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch! Beautiful Wife used to get those and end up in the hospital they got so bad. Finally ended up with her own self-injection kit with the medicine she needed rather than going to the hospital for an IV.

I don't miss those days...

At March 12, 2005 12:35 PM, Blogger Rock Star Mama said...

Oh geez, sorry to hear that! Yeah, thankfully it has not ever been that bad for me.


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