truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Friday, March 04, 2005

You can find me in da club

Last weekend I headed out with my HomeGirls to celebrate LawyerGirl's birthday... so into the city we went! We were supposed to visit several bars/clubs, but ended up settling into one place for the whole evening. And it turned out to be quite an educational experience, and so I feel I must share the Lessons of the Evening:

Lesson 1. A small, petite, 100 lb. nothin' HomeGirl, who only had cereal for dinner, is quite fun after a couple shots and some vodka!

Lesson 2. Don't assume there's a shelf behind that couch to put your purse on... it only leads to trying to convince cranky bouncers to help you out when it falls into the never ending black hole behind that same couch. Followed by those same bouncers proceeding to hit on your Girls all night long! Hello, do I owe you something?

Lesson 3. Some guys are just sketch... ladies should feel no fear with being bold. Just Say No! Holla!

Lesson 4. There ain't no shame in dancin' on a platform to some good ol' remixed 80's tunes!

Lesson 5. Orthopedic surgeons like to drink champagne, give ladies roses, and sometimes be slightly possessive. (Hey, did you know that "orthopedic" means it has to do with the bones??)

Lesson 6. Ahhh... yes.... reality sets in... 26 ain't the same as 21. How did it take 5 years to realize that?

Lesson 7. When the Chinatown bus says it's leaving at 3:30am, it really means it's leaving right as you get there... even when you're 5 minutes early! And, no, banging down the bus door ain't gonna do nuthin!

Lesson 8. There ain't nothin' like a night out on the town with my HomeGirls!!!


At March 04, 2005 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya Ya!!!!!!

At March 05, 2005 2:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That term is soooo fetch! ;)

Good luck with your new blog!

You need a translator or you need to have teenage daughters that you need to communicate with on a daily basis. I speak fluid ditz, avoidance, and pms.

At March 05, 2005 8:22 AM, Blogger YouWho said...

So does this mean you can't shop at Forever 21 anymoe?

I know what "orthopedic" means, but I'm having a little trouble with "sketch" and "holla."

At March 05, 2005 7:22 PM, Blogger Rock Star Mama said...

Hmmm...Forever 21... yes, I can still shop there, but only b/c I have quite a baby-face. But, only for clothes to fill the "Goin' out like I am 21" section in my closet.

And maybe this'll help ya'll out with the lingo:
It's quite handy! ;)

(Thanks for the good luck, Bob!)

At March 06, 2005 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try watching Mean Girls a dozen times if you want help with your lingo.


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