truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Friday, April 08, 2005

The Big Juicy Apple

A few weeks back Handsome Hubby and I ventured up to NJ to visit our Tall-and-Engaged-Friends. I've been meaning to post about it for awhile. It was great because we had been trying to plan a trip to visit for quite some time, and after a couple cancellations, it finally happened!

On that Saturday we spent the day in NYC, which was especially sweet because HH had never actually been to the big city before. And like any great adventure... lessons were learned...

1. Miss Piggy makes for a drop-dead Glinda. (And Kermie isn't too bad as the Scarecrow neither!)

2. Cartier ain't playin'. (Yeah, no really... they aren't. No further explanation needed.)

3. So... for 20 million bucks, the gates don't stick around for longer than 2 WEEKS??? Oh! Silly me!

4. Not all homeless men are particularly appreciative of getting a grilled chicken panini. Turns out he'd rather just have the pocket change. Once again.. silly me.

5. Hoboken has some mean margaritas! Yeah, baby! :-9

6. Everything is up for negotiation... *especially* cute, little, pink purses sold by street vendors chillin' on the corner: "Uh, yeah, that's 25." "Umm... how 'bout 10?" "20." "How 'bout 12?" "Uhh... 18." "No, really, how 'bout 12?" "No, no... but 15." "Alright, 15." Score!

We really had a great visit, and unfortunately it flew by way too fast. But hopefully it won't be too long before we do it again. Well, it'll at least be this July... (insert wedding bells here).


At April 13, 2005 11:34 PM, Blogger YouWho said...

Look at you go girl, all gussied up with the links and the pretty colored text!

At April 14, 2005 6:38 PM, Blogger Rock Star Mama said...

What can I say... I try, I try. I guess I had a pretty good teacher too. :p


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