truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Hmmm... where to start? The holidays seemed to sneak up on us this year. It's hard to believe that they're over and it's 2008 already.

Mr. P took his first real road trip to visit family for Christmas (8 1/2 hr drive). Thankfully, he did great. We tried to drive through the night and despite it totally wrecking our internal clocks, Mr. P did wonderfully. He slept almost the whole way. We had a blast introducing him to his extended family. And of course, they totally spoiled him with tons of attention... and toys! Lucky Mr. P!

It's hard to believe he turned 7 months old on Christmas Eve. He's sitting up on his own like a champ now and he's getting better with his hands every day. It's so fun to watch him look at a toy and realize that he can grab it himself (which of course is proceeded by him trying to shove it directly into his mouth). Also, we've realized that we really need to keep on top of trimming his nails as he's now "The Pincher." And most often, it's our faces that are getting pinched. Ouch! Lastly, a couple of weeks ago he discovered he could say "da da da" and "ba ba ba." However, he's over it now. I guess he figures it's not really that fun and has gone back to perfecting his tiger impersonation, which consists of making lots of very intimidating growling noises. He's really getting pretty good. I think he even scares himself sometimes!


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