truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sicky Poo

Mr. P is battling his first official cold. On Thursday night we noticed that he had a runny nose and on Friday morning the nose was still running and he had a low-grade fever. I stayed home from work to take care of my little Sicky Poo. By mid-afternoon his fever reached 102F so it was time for Tylenol. Thankfully, that worked like a charm and by Friday night he seemed to be doing much better. By Saturday he still had a runny nose but no fever, so we thought we were nearly out of the woods, but no such luck.

Saturday night he woke up about two hours after going down for the night. He was hysterical and had a face full of snot (you know, the bubbly snot sick kids get which I had always been totally disgusted by until it was my own kid). So there we are, two new parents hovering over our sick baby blowing nose-snot bubbles. After some traumatic (and yet very productive) nasal aspiration, many many tears, a scratchy throat after crying so much, and about an hour of being held and comforted by his mommy, Mr. P was finally able to settle down and fall back asleep. Poor kid. Thankfully, he was able to sleep through the rest of the night without too much trouble and our friends we were entertaining were very patient and understanding. He seems to be doing ok today, but we'll see how tonight goes...


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