truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Friday, March 31, 2006

Sunny San Diego

As I mentioned, last weekend I was in San Diego for a meeting. The conference was good, and we were actually accepted to give a platform presentation on some of the work I've been doing (I didn't give the presentation, but my name was on there!). It was well received, and some good constructive comments were made too. It was nice to take a step back and look at the 'big picture' of what I've been doing, especially since I feel like I've been getting lost in the day-to-day lately.

Anywho, Grad School Girl came to the meeting too, which was spectacular (if you remember, I was in her wedding last summer). Since we don't live near each other anymore, it was great to get a chance to hang out and catch up with her. Made me realize how much I miss her and her hubby. I also made a new friend - her coworker who came to the meeting too. We tried to not get into too much trouble (especially after the open-bar reception they hosted!).

During the day, I was pretty tied up with the conference, leaving HH to explore on his own. But it was nice to have dinner and walk along the water together in the evenings, and on Saturday, we did manage to squeeze in a trip to The Zoo. We were planning to check out the Wild Animal Park, but it was quite a ways from the hotel and without a rental car, the zoo won over. But it was all good, because the zoo was fantastic. It's huge, and had tons to see! We only spent a couple of hours there, but could have easily spent the entire day (damn conference!). We peaked in at Balboa Park, but just didn't have enough time. We'll just have to go back.

We also got a chance to hang out with Tim and Amy, who I knew from the old pharma days (and his sister too, who's a total sweetheart). Seeing them made me realize how much I miss them too! We had a fun night though, exploring the Gaslamp Quarter, eating yummy Italian dinner at Bella Luna, and being rude beotches at Dick's. I was planning on sharing the lessons learned, but it looks like he beat me to it! That'll teach me to slack!


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