truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Night at the Theatre

A while ago, Handsome Hubby and I had a lovely night at the theatre. For Christmas (by request), I got two tickets from my aunt to see Movin' Out.

I was pretty sure we'd both like it, since I have a dance background and HH is a fan of Billy Joel. Well, I was half right... *I* really liked it! I thought the dancing was really powerful and moving, especially in the second half. Not to mention the fact that my jaw was on the floor the entire show, admiring the skill of the dancers.

It's not that HH *didn't* like it, it just wasn't totally 'his cup of tea'. He didn't realize that it was all dancing, set to Billy Joel songs - meaning NO spoken words. So, it wasn't what he expected, and turned out not to be his kind of thing. But, hey, it was something different.

And in the end, we both really enjoyed having a night out together. That's always a good thing, no matter what we're doing.


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