truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Monday, May 09, 2005

At least it's sunny and 75

Ok, I must vent a teeny weeny bit...
So my new job has been going great so far, despite still getting settled in. For example, I still don't have phone numbers for either of my offices (I've got two). Well, in one I can make out-going calls so at least that's 1/2 of it. Anyway...

This job is extremely "schizophrenic." I've basically got four jobs that I'm juggling. It's all good, and I signed up for it, so no complaining about that. But I have to be careful with my time. I have to be super organized to make sure I'm spending the appropriate amounts of time on each project. And of course all of these "jobs" really have more work to be done than I'm funded for, so it is a real danger. Bottom line, my time is in high demand for all these projects, and I just need to be careful in the way I manage it. So efficiency is the name of the game.

And that's why this has been so frustrating...

Last Thursday I was supposed to go to a meeting for one of my jobs, let's say Job A. I was actually at Job B that day, but I needed to spend some of the morning preparing for this meeting. Then I was going to be out of the office recruiting for a study we're doing at Job B for most of the day, until the meeting, that afternoon. Well, I realize that I don't exactly know where this meeting was being held, so I shot off an email to the docs that I work with at Job A. Good thing I did, because *long* story short, the meeting had actually been rescheduled and no one had let me in on that little tid bit of info. Unfortunately, even finding that out was drama-filled. Missed cell phone calls (since I have yet to have my own phone) along with messages that reminded me of that childhood game "telephone" ensued. What a mess. Well, at least I did find out before haul'n myself across campus for the meeting (it's a bit of a hike).

So, the meeting was rescheduled for today and the appropriate people were emailed to make sure I would be in the loop next time. I saw one of the docs at an earlier meeting today, and we confirmed that yes, we would see each other at 2pm (and mind you, this is at 1:40!). What can happen in 20 minutes? Well, of course, you guessed it.... I walked myself over to the meeting and no one was there. I played the waiting game, you know the one, internal dialog goes something like this, 'So, how long do I really wait before I ask somebody? 5, 10, 15 minutes? Is it possible that *everyone* is running late? Is this some kind of joke?' Eventually, I found out that no, really, I was left in the dark AGAIN. Apparently enough people couldn't make it at this new time and so it had been cancelled. Well, thanks for lettin' a girl know. Wouldn't you think that with all the glorious tech gadgets we've got this kind of crap wouldn't happen? I guess it still comes down to user error, huh? Good grief.

(P.S. Did I mention I'm sick, and really the only reason I came in today was to be here for this meeting? That's why I have no tolerance...)


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