truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Zip It.

I get to work today, drop my bag and head to the ladies room. After I do my business, as I'm zipping up my pants the zipper pull just keeps going and comes clear off the zipper and my pants! So I'm left, standing in the stall, zipper pull in hand, with no way to close my fly. Thankfully, I make it back to my office without running into anyone. After 10 minutes of wrestling with my pants in my office (with the door closed of course), I manage to rig my zipper to stay closed. What an awesome way to start the day! I haven't figured out what's going to happen the next time I need to go to the bathroom...

On a lighter note, Mr. P said "happy" for the first time yesterday.
Cutest. Thing. Ever.


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