truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Mr. P's Favorites: Foods

Favorite foods:
tacos (soft shell with ground turkey that HH makes are a clear favorite)
grilled cheese
chicken nuggets
peaches (he'd eat a whole one if we ever let him)
lemon slices
mandarin orange slices
anything with either ketchup or ranch dressing on it
ice cream (any flavor will do, he'll even eat sliced up prunes if they're with a little vanilla ice cream)
saltine crackers
fig newtons

You'll notice there are no veggies on this list! He used to be really good about eating veggies, but not so much anymore... I guess it was only a matter of time.

Now that he's got his four molars in, he's having lots of fun chewing up new foods. His hands still do most of the work, but he usually insists on having a fork with his meal to assist in the shoveling. I swear, I think he's the cutest when he's eating (except for when he's flinging his sippy cup or throwing food on the ground!).


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