truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Monday, June 23, 2008

New Words!

Mr. P has begun adding some actual words to his vocabulary. He's been saying, "Uh oh!" for a few weeks now. We also think he's been saying "yes" and "what" but it's been hard to call. It's always a question of, did he really just say those words, or was that just more baby blabber that just happened to sound like words we know? Handsome Hubby has been giving Mr. P the benefit of the doubt, but I've been a bit more skeptical. However, this past Sunday Mr. P absolutely said two new words, both clear as a bell.

As we were getting ready to head out the door, I was gathering stuff for his diaper bag and HH was getting Mr. P ready.
HH: "Ok, time to get your shoes on. Where's your shoe?"
Mr. P: "Shoooe."
HH: "WHAT? That's right! SHOE!"
Mr. P: "Shoe."
Unfortunately, I totally missed it. And of course, as quick as he said it, he stopped saying it!

But then, we all pile into the car and we're driving along...
RSM: "Hey, look at all the cars..."
Mr. P: "Cars."
RSM: "That's right! Cars!"
Mr. P: "Ca. Hars."
Again, as quick as he said it, he stopped saying it... despite us trying all day to get him to repeat his new words.


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