truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Monday, August 11, 2008

A few more updates

Weekend before last, Mr. P began self-initiated walking. At least, that's what I'm calling it. Before, we'd need to encourage him to walk to us, usually with lots of "Com'on, com'on! You can do it!" But last weekend, I turned the corner and saw Mr. P up and walking all on his own! Since then, he's just gotten stronger and more confident.

Just this past weekend, Mr. P showed us that he can now go from sitting to standing up with no help at all. No need to hold onto the wall, a chair, or us. He just pushes up through his legs to a straight standing position. He could tell we were thrilled (with all our jumping up and down and screaming) so then he started doing it just to get our reaction. He must think we're such freaks!

Also, this past Saturday Mr. P decided that he wants to eat with a fork now. Out of no where he started pointing and grunting at our forks. So, we gave him one and he started feeding himself! Granted, he needs help getting the food stuck onto the end of the fork (he doesn't quite understand why when he puts the food on the fork it just falls off), but he's actually doing quite well!

Last but not least, last week he discovered airplanes. I swear, he's got some kind of airplane radar because he can spot them out of no where. He'll point up to the sky and start talking and laughing. I finally look up and realize, oh, yes, there is an airplane up there! How do kids know to get excited about that kind of thing???


At August 11, 2008 2:27 PM, Blogger Bob said...

Lots of fun and cool firsts!


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