truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Thursday, July 21, 2005

The 'rents

In June, my parents came to visit us, while RVing it up to northern country. It was a great dose of Mom and Dad love. Meaning… we put them to work! Specifically, with yard work… and no, this was *definitely* not the first time!

Dad and Handsome Hubby spent a day making an amazing window box (or deck box really). It’s about 8 feet long, which spans our entire deck. They installed it directly to our deck, so that thing ain’t goin’ anywhere! We planted some herbs (oregano, sage, basil, and rosemary) along with some pretty blue/purple flowers… what, you expect me to remember the name? Since this pic was taken, all have done very well, surprisingly! The only incident was the swarm of Japanese beetles we came home to after a weekend away. They demolished our basil, but thankfully it has managed to come back (how, I have no idea?!?).

Meanwhile, Mom and I were busy with the front of the house. We planted all kinds of pretty flowers! Zinnias, little jr. sunflowers, and impatients (see, I’m not *that* bad). We also potted some geraniums, and whatever those little yellow ones are. And like the others, all of these have really done quite well, I’m happy to say.

But, the part that was memorable to me happened when I was shopping for all of these with my mom, before the planting began. After thanking my mom for all her help, she replied, “What, are you kidding? I love this stuff, it let’s me be a mom again!” How silly… as if she were ever *not* my mom. If only she knew how much she and my dad most definitely still have a presence in my life, and always will. Not just a presence, but as a mom and dad, in the way that she thinks may have faded. I can’t begin to count how many times I ask myself how they would do something, handle a situation, or make a decision, even on a daily basis. Although, I guess I can’t assume or expect that they’re aware of the influences that are still (and always will be) in my head…

P.S. We didn’t just put them to work during their visit. We did a lot of fun stuff too, like going to a baseball game, playing some golf, and even eating some excellent ice cream. :-9


At August 20, 2005 9:07 PM, Blogger B&B said...

Keep forgetting to tell you when we are on the phone how nice it was to read this post.

Love, Dad

At August 21, 2005 6:45 PM, Blogger Rock Star Mama said...

Thanks... love you too.
:*-) (sniff, sniff)


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