truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Cut the Croup and Give Me that Spoon!

After a 12:30am visit to a nighttime care center (a big thank you goes to them for staying open late for us!), it turns out Mr. P has croup. We had a friend over for dinner last night, which was lots of fun. Mr. P was a little fussy, but he went to bed fine. Later, after our friend went home, HH and I checked on him before going to bed. That's when we noticed that he seemed to be having a hard time breathing. Suddenly, he woke up and starting coughing a lot and had some noticeable wheezing type sounds while breathing. Of course, we were pretty nervous and quickly decided to take him to the doctor. I had heard of croup before, but since Mr. P is our first kid, I didn't confidently recognize the "barking" cough. We'll see how tonight goes, but hopefully the steroid treatment is helping. Thankfully, Mr. P has been a trooper and doesn't seem too bothered by it all.

On another note, last Monday night Mr. P decided to show us some new tricks. For the first time he started to actually clap rather than just flailing his arms around frantically in excitement. Not that he's stopped flailing, but now he'll throw in some clapping every once in a while too. Also, he started cruising for the first time! He was standing and holding onto our ottoman and slowly began making his way toward the ever elusive kitchen spoon sitting at the other end. (Forget the million toys he has, all he ever really wants are remote controls, phones and kitchen utensils.) He's definitely still in the beginning stages, but it was really exciting to watch!


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