truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Busy Bees

We've been some busy bees lately. HH and I spent our first night away from Mr. P for Valentine's day (see how far behind I am?). We 'got away' to the city and enjoyed some sight seeing, awesome dinner in Little Italy and a very cozy stay in a B&B which included room service the next day. I have to admit I over indulged a little bit (read: drank too much), but I think it was just an expression of the relief of having a night off. Not that I didn't toooootally miss Mr. P, because I totally did, but it was good to get away.

Since then, I've also been away from Mr. P while at a conference for work. That was for 3 days (2 nights) which was much harder. By the time the third day rolled around, I was itching to get home. And what I expected was true, it was MUCH harder on me. He didn't even notice, I'm sure. :-p

It's hard to believe Mr. P is almost a year old (he turned 11 months old yesterday). He's truly becoming a toddler now and much less of a baby (sniff, sniff). Every day his personality comes out more and more. He's a very giggly kid, which is awesome. Pretty much, if you just look at him funny, he'll bust out in the giggles. It's the greatest sound I've ever heard. He's also babbling tons more now. Sometimes it really seems like he's trying to talk to us and communicate. He's the master of the sippy cup now, and even sipping out of a straw (HH worked hard with him on that one!). He's still not crawling but has learned to be mobile in other ways, usually consisting of rolling and scooting across the floor. He'll pull up to standing now, especially if he has some motivation (read: remote control on the couch). We're also doing our best to discourage him from biting, but I guess he likes to work out his eight teeth(!). We're still working on clapping, but he's great at waving good bye and hello, and is currently mastering the "sooooo big" arm raise. I swear, I'm going to blink and he's going to be running circles around me asking, "But Mommy, why? Why? Why?" Won't that be fun? ;-p


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