truly outrageous

Truly Outrageous... as a Rock Star Mama (minus the rock, minus the star)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Baby Blabber

At four days shy of being 9 months old, here's an update on Mr. P...

No crawling yet. He's great sitting on his own; he hardly ever falls over. When we force him to his tummy, he usually just rolls over. But occasionally he'll hang out for a little bit and once or twice we've caught him starting to get up onto all fours. Today I caught him getting to all fours and then to his hands and feet, with his booty way up in the air. But as quick as it happened, it was over. It's cool though. I'm in no rush for him to start crawling. I know our world is going to be VERY different once he becomes mobile. Not to mention all the baby-proofing we still have to do. (shudder)

We think Mr. P's begun to wave "bye-bye." At first, I didn't believe HH when he told me, but I have to admit I think he's right. It's still very sporadic, but something about it definitely seems purposeful sometimes. And of course now we're obsessed with it. Even if we're just going to the bathroom, we try to get him to wave. Poor kid...

About a month ago (right when he got sick) we noticed that it looked like we was cutting two more teeth. Turns out we were right. He cut his third tooth right at 8 months with the fourth tooth following shortly after. They're all on the bottom, so hopefully he'll get some top teeth next?

He's getting really good with his hands. If a toy (or anything really... apparently the tv remote is just as good) is within his grasp, he's got it. And he's getting better and better with cheerios and fruit puffs. The funniest is to watch him try to eat the ones that get stuck on the back of his hand or wrist. I swear, I can hear him thinking, 'Ah ha! You silly cheerio! You thought you tricked me, but I'm too good for you! [munch, munch, munch]'

Lastly, Mr. P is now quite fluent in Baby Blabber. There's definitely still lots of growling, but more and more there are da-da's, ba-ba's, ra-ra's, and now even some ma-ma's. I can't help but think those are the best!


At February 21, 2008 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! Someone asked me just yesterday if he started crawling yet. :)


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